понедельник, 24 декабря 2012 г.

   About 4600 years ago-or maybe more- the Stone age inhabitants of Britain started building an enormous stone structure. This structure is now called Stonehenge and is near Salisbury, in the South of England, about 2 hours west of london by car.
    The largest of the stonehenge stones weighs 50 tons, and the smallest weighs 5 tons. The people who presumably constructed Stonehenge werw very primitive indeed. They used no metal and their  tools were made only of stones, bone and wood. They lived in simple huts and they had not yet invented the wheel.
     They started to build Stonehenge in about 2600 BC. And probably finished it 600 years later. Thousands of the men and women were involved in the work. These primitive people usually spent all day, from sunrise to sunset, hunting, fishing and growing crops to stay alive.
    Why, then, did thay take time off to build this enormous structure, and how did they do it?
   The builders of Stonehenge couldn`t read or write, so they have left us no records of the work. Therefore we don’t know exactly how Stonehenge was built.

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