воскресенье, 23 декабря 2012 г.

  Henry Ford

    Henry Ford was the first person to build cars which were cheap, strong and fast. He was able to sell millions of models because he ,, mass-produced,, them; that is, he made a great many cars exaetly the same type.
      Ford`s father hoped that his son would become a farmer, but the young man did not like the idea and went to Detroit where he worked as a mechanic. By the age of 29, in 1892, he had built his first car.
    However the first ,,mass-produced,, car in the world, the famous “Model T”, did not appear until 1908- five years later Ford had started his great Motor Company. This car proved to be so popular that it remained unchanged for twenty years. Since Ford`s time, mass production methods have become common in industry and have reduced the price of many articles which would otherwise be very expensive.

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